Friday, October 10, 2008


The last signal didn't stop out until after 1 hour when you raised your stop to breakeven.

Here's what is happening now.

Put volumes are picking up very strong and this is the sign I have been searching for for a bottom. Put/call is up to 3.83 while VIX is a very high 75+.

I can't be around to watch the final hour of trading, but use the same stop of 2 pts and exit on close.

DIA is 81.76 as I type, but it is moving around quickly.

DIA is now 81.42. The 1 minute volatility is so great I am dubious that this trade is warranted.

DIA is now 81.04 as I type. I can't keep up with the movement. In 2 minutes it has moved almost what I would recommend risking on a normal basis.

It is 2:56PM now as I type. DIA @ 81.00

It is 2:58PM now... DIA 80.41... I can't even type this in to get it posted on the blog.

The entry will simply be where the DIA is at 3:00PM.

2:59PM NOW

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